Chesnok Red

Hardneck garlic and garlic scapes. Purple striped under the white tunic. The standard purple stripes group is the closest genetically and morphologically to the original cultivated garlic, being the common ancestor of all garlic. It is generally made of 8 cloves per bulb. It dries easily after harvest. It is characterized by a high content of aillicin, the health property of garlic.

How to use

A complete and consistent garlic. It is appreciated for raw garlic recipes with its rich taste as well as its great result once roasted.

Price and formats

  • Medium bulbs pack : 3$ each / 10 pack, 2,50$ each / 50 pack
  • Large bulbs pack : 3,50$ each / 10 pack, 3$ each for 50 pack
  • XL bulbs pack : 4$ each / 10 pack, 3,50$ each / 50 pack

Flavour intensity

Taste raised raw and remains cooked.

Our products

Puslinch (Rocambole group)

Puslinch (Rocambole group)

PuslinchHardneck garlic with garlic scapes. Purple and white tunic. The rocamboles group is stocky and robust. It requires a cold climate. Its ease of peeling and its extraordinary rich and complex flavor make it a very popular garlic among gourmet. It has the most...

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560 rue Larrivée Ouest,

Saint-Hyacinthe (QC)

J2S 8J1



Business hours

By appointment all year round
*While supplies last