Contact us

Whether to place an order, to obtain information or to get to know each other, we are delighted to hear from you!

What can we do

for you?

Whether to place an order, to obtain information or to get to know each other, we are delighted to hear from you!

Thank you for writing to us!

3 + 4 =


560 Larivée Ouest,

St-Hyacinthe (QC)

J2S 8J1



Frequently asked questions

Where do you deliver and what are the costs?

Across Canada. The price is $16.99 or $24.99 depending on quantities between 200g and 5kg. Price between $29 and $100 beyond 5 kg. We deliver ourself for larges quantities

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payments by interac transfer, check, debit card, credit card via Square.  Cash is accepted for orders picked at the farm.

How can we order?

Simply write to us your order here via the form above and you will receive a Square estimate by email or text message. Allow us a few days delay and we will contact you for payment. We can send payment link with Square to finalize your invoice.

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