
Silverskin group garlic contains 8 to 12 cloves per bulb. To be harvested up to 10 days after the others. Braidable softneck. The cloves in the outer crown are larger and those in the center are smaller. The colors and tastes vary depending on the climates where it is grown, ranging from paler and more spicy in warmer regions and pinker to complex taste in colder regions.

How to use

Storage record. They are kept until May the year following the harvest. More sulphurous taste. Perfect for small and large recipes.

Price and formats

  • Medium bulbs pack : 3$ each / 10 pack, 2,50$ each / 50 pack
  • Large bulbs pack : 3,50$ each / 10 pack, 3$ each for 50 pack

Flavour intensity

Good intensity, sulphurous

Our products

Italian (Artichoke Group)

Italian (Artichoke Group)

Italian Softneck garlic. Perfect for braiding. Without garlic flowers. The artichoke group is cultivated a lot in Europe and many other parts of the world. It does not require much cold to vernalize (i.e. cold that induce division into several cloves). It has between...

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560 rue Larrivée Ouest, 

Saint-Hyacinthe (QC)

J2S 8J1



Business hours

By appointment all year round

*While supplies last