
Our products, recipes, tips and tricks and much more! Our blog is full of interesting content to introduce you to the field of garlic growing.

Puslinch (Rocambole group)

Puslinch (Rocambole group)

PuslinchHardneck garlic with garlic scapes. Purple and white tunic. The rocamboles group is stocky and robust. It requires a cold climate. Its ease of peeling and its extraordinary rich and complex flavor make it a very popular garlic among gourmet. It has the most...

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Siberian (group Marbled purple stripes)

Siberian (group Marbled purple stripes)

SiberianWith garlic flower. Quite large size with purple and white tunic. The Marbled Purple Striated group is very popular for its taste and its ability to keep it. It is also very regularly divided into 5 pods, always of good size, which is what is sought after by...

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Chesnok Red (group Purple Stripes)

Chesnok Red (group Purple Stripes)

Chesnok Red Hardneck garlic and garlic scapes. Purple striped under the white tunic. The standard purple stripes group is the closest genetically and morphologically to the original cultivated garlic, being the common ancestor of all garlic. It is generally made of 8...

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“Rose de Lautrec” (group Creole)

“Rose de Lautrec” (group Creole)

"Rose de Lautrec"Weakly bolting garlic. Almost always a garlic scape. The Creole group has a superb pink color under their crisp, white tunic. It contains 6 to 10 pods per bulb. The color and taste may vary depending on the climate temperature. The pinker varieties...

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Steadfast (group Silverskin)

Steadfast (group Silverskin)

SteadfastSilverskin group garlic contains 8 to 12 cloves per bulb. To be harvested up to 10 days after the others. Braidable softneck. The cloves in the outer crown are larger and those in the center are smaller. The colors and tastes vary depending on the climates...

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Salt spring extra early (group Turban)

Salt spring extra early (group Turban)

Salt spring extra earlyWeakly bolting garlic. The Turban group grows well in zone 5a and above. Ready to harvest 10 to 15 days before others. The most colorful. Its all purple striped. The more it is grown in a cold climate, the more colorful it will be, will have a...

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Italian (Artichoke Group)

Italian (Artichoke Group)

Italian Softneck garlic. Perfect for braiding. Without garlic flowers. The artichoke group is cultivated a lot in Europe and many other parts of the world. It does not require much cold to vernalize (i.e. cold that induce division into several cloves). It has between...

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Music (group porcelaine)

Music (group porcelaine)

MusicHardneck garlic. The porcelain group is our common garlic. It grows very well in all climatic conditions from temperate to cold. Rustic and resistant to the garden, it will honor your family reserve for the whole winter. It has a high content of aillicin, the...

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Elephant Garlic (Allium ampeloprasum)

Elephant Garlic (Allium ampeloprasum)

Elephant Garlic (Allium ampeloprasum)Elephant garlic (separate group Allium ampeloprasum). With garlic flower always straight. He is very different from the others. Closer to the leek genetically. It is divided between 3 and 8 very irregular pods ranging from 1 to 7...

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Saint-Hyacinthe (QC)

J2S 8J1



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